
Angel Boukoreshtliev

Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Doris Hofman - conductor
Stefan Tolumbajiev, Krstio Lazarov,
Ovanes Marukian, Ani Gasharova - solo vocals

Competition Concert

Title Composer Duration
Motet F. Anerio 3.00
Blagoslovi dushe moya Gospoda A. Lashkov 3.00
Heruvimska pesen N 7 D. Bortnyanski 2.50
Amen J. Hairston 3.00
Makedonska humoreska T. Skalovski 2.00
Zafnalo e kokiche G. Dimitrov 2.00

The Singers’ Society “Angel Boukoreshtliev” from the city of Plovdiv was founded in 1896 and it is officially recognized as one of the pioneer societies of choir activity in Bulgaria. In its creative biography the society has recorded over 3000 concerts, which include about 2500 pieces of music varying from the vocal polyphony of the 16th century to modern music. It was awarded with high state’s awards, national prizes and international recognition, highest awards at international choir competitions in Debrecen - Hungary (1966), Langolen - Great Britain (1974, 1981) and the Hague Netherlands, and had great success at the world “Festival Van Flanders” in the town of Gent - Belgium, Spain (1988), Turkey(2006). In their one century of creative activity one discovers the first performances in Bulgaria of pieces by Angel Boukoreshtliev, Dobri Christov, Petko Stainov, Dimitar Petkov, Nikolay Stoikov, prof. Ivan Spasov, Krasimir Kyourkchiyski, Stravinski, Eshpay,.Bach, Haydn, Brahms, Purcell, Vivaldi, Oneger and other composers. The society’s repertoire is very wide and includes ,,A Cappella” songs and large cantata-oratorio pieces of all styles and epochs.

Their performances in Russia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain and the Netherlands have always been tremendously successful. Among the creative achievements of the society one finds many records for Bulgarian and Russian radio and TV, Radio BBC, Radio Koln, Frankfurt, Ljubljana and the Hague.

Ohrid Choir Festival 2009Ohrid Choir Festival 2009Ohrid Choir Festival 2009

Ohrid Choir Festival 2009Ohrid Choir Festival 2009Ohrid Choir Festival 2009

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