
Kaunas Vytautas' the Great Church of the Accession of The Holy Virgin Mary Chamber Choir "Cantate Domino"

Kaunas, Lithuania

Rolandas Daugėla - conductor
Roberta Daugėlaitė - solo vocal

Competition Section

Title Composer
Cantate Domino Hans Johann Leo Hassler
Salve Regina Wolfram Menschick
Aliluja Zapro Zaprov
Lacrimosa Jonas Tamulionis
Cantate Domino Raimundas Martinkėnas

The chamber choir of Kaunas Vytautas' the Great Church of the Accession of The Holy Virgin Mary “Cantate Domino” was established in the spring of 1992 on the initiative of conductor Rolandas Daugėla. Since its founding, the choir has performed concerts all across Lithuania in many countries: Italy, England, Austria, Spain, Germany, Belgium, France, Norway, Poland, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Slovakia, and Switzerland. Among its greatest achievements are the Diploma for “Internationaly Very Good Level Choir” in Germany, "Grand Prix" and award for the best performance of modernistic composition of Lithuanian composer at the X International S. Šimkus choir’s festival in Klaipėda, Lithuania (2007), and first place at the international festival Mundi Cantat in Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Rolandas Daugėla is the founder and the conductor of the choir from its very beginning. He was the initiator and artistic director of several international festivals in Kaunas such as “Cantate Domino”, “Musica Religiosa”, “Kaunas Cantat”, and “Siauliai Cantat”. Since 1996 he has been the chief conductor of Kaunas choir and since 1998 he has been the chief conductor of the World Lithuanian Song Celebrations as well. Since 1998, he has regularly given lectures at the Lithuanian Music and Theater Academy in Kaunas. Rolandas Daugėla is a member of many creative associations and he's been a juror at several choral competitions.

Kaunas is the second largest city in Lithuania, located in the center of the country at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, and surrounded by the hills of Žaliakalnis (Green Hill), Aleksotas and Šilainiai. Around 10 percent of Lithuania's population lives in Kaunas, and with almost 93 percent of its citizens being ethnic Lithuanians the city is often called the most ethnic Lithuanian city in the country (possibly even in the Baltic States). Kaunas skyline reveals the history of a medieval city. The Gothic city is graced with the Northern Renaissance buildings and the impressive complexes of baroque architecture.

Rolandas DaugėlaKaunas Vytautas' the Great Church of the Accession of The Holy Virgin Mary Chamber Choir "Cantate Domino"Kaunas Vytautas' the Great Church of the Accession of The Holy Virgin Mary Chamber Choir "Cantate Domino"Kaunas Vytautas' the Great Church of the Accession of The Holy Virgin Mary Chamber Choir "Cantate Domino"Kaunas Vytautas' the Great Church of the Accession of The Holy Virgin Mary Chamber Choir "Cantate Domino"Kaunas Vytautas' the Great Church of the Accession of The Holy Virgin Mary Chamber Choir "Cantate Domino"